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Is Human Created Content an Illusion?

This story starts and ends with a thought This thought was at the right time; right moment, to be typed to others. Imagine that. But while you are imagining that, do you know if your going to write that image in your head down? This is the essence of books,...

The Hitch-Hikers Guide to PowerShell Default Parameters and Values

Perhaps you dream of the everything script. It handles every exception perfectly, it runs at optimal speed, and its code complexity is maintainable. Well, I might to be the first to tell you that it’s nearly impossible. Either you will sacrifice on unoptimized code that only a beginner can read...

Deleting the Matrix: An Informal Introduction

Who, what, where and why? You might be asking those questions after reading about the not by AI movement, or how we are mad about being mad, or even maybe, you realize that I am just trying to get my website more seo’d. Nevertheless, you might be confused, so you...

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no ai web ring previous next a green-on-black grid with illuminated parts that spell out NO AI / WEBRING and two animated green arrows pointing left and right, bobbing up and downan animated picture on a green-on-black grid that starts with NEO blinks to Hacker then finally blurs to PAGE. It then repeatsa black background with a border of white and red blinking pixels. Inside the picture it reads: deadpilleda picture parodying Netscape Navigator (web browser) which is responsible for modern internet browsing. This picture shows the name catscape Navigator with an iconic 2000's lookA picture that starts off on the right as black but slowly grows to lighter shades of blue to the left, with text that reads: I'm a virus.[Valid RSS] obey the system Web ring ButtonA simple image that says Follow the White Rabbit with a black background and terminal green textA left arrow for the free speech web ring. Clicking this will taking you to the previous site A banner that says: Free Speech Web ring. CLicking this will take you to a page telling you more about it. Right Arrow that if clicked, takes you to next site in the free speech web ringJoin the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign