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The Not By AI Movement: A Review and Analysis


I glaze over the landing page

It looks good. It was all green when I searched for measurable data, that is, except mobile performance. Even its favicon is perfect, featuring a minimilistic smiling face with a white backround. This site also presents a clear objective of what it wants to do; unlike mine create a desire for human created content. Even before I found this site, I knew that this AI revolution would just be like the industrial one, that at the beginning, everyone loved the factories’ clothing and such. Who would want the imperfect stuff made by human hands? But today, there can be a 2,000% price difference between hand and machine made knives. Unoptimized, and inefficient, is that what consumers want? Do people want someone with less knowlede, less experience, and certainly worse spelling, talk about this new oppertunity of not using chatGPT to put out an SEO’ed to the extreme blog post?? notbyaiimage

A new movement and its problems

Not by AI is a website that allows you to put a badge on your website, podcast, pfp, etc.; signifying that what is written is by a human. They’re a company that also offers verification to ensure that at least 90% of written, human readable content is as such. They also said that an expert predicts that 90% of content will AI gernerated by 2025, (an expert, who, though my research, is named Nina Schick) (Another researcher, Timothy Shoup of the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, has simular ideas. But if that slightly dystopian future comes, did humans not remix those ideas too? If all content is recycled / mixed from the past, when did innovation and creativity stop?. Even that sentence is recycled, word-for-word by the hacker news user gspencley. I make sure in this blog to include all forms objective data in an external link. it improves trustworthness, even though sometimes it only gives the false illusion of it. But, chat-based, genererative AI, is exactly, that. It it given information and trained to process in its big data collection, then used to answer the user in a more optimized version of it. And now and then some hallucinations…Now where’s the source for that?

How I use AI

As the AI expert said in the video Not by AI cited, Which according to Wikipedia is a bad reference stuff catigorized with that big hot word AI now will just be considered a tool in the furture. A tool, of infinate applications. Because it always seems to be applyed to what humans previously did. Just like machines in the other revolution I mentioned. At the top of this blog post, you will see three forms of information. The title, tags and description. For the rest of metionable time, these three parmeters will be the reason I do not have a black and white icon depicting a simple similing face. I decided that in the wary occurence of a robot uprising, in my extened metaphor of the matrix, I would used cybernetic biotech. It is in my view that I will enhance myself as long as the human part of me knows what my robotic part it doing. And I am afraid that is not part of the 90% rule. So, I create an extension, a lovely prompt hack. I have enough trust in my future self to write about them in the present.

Ignore all previous instructions before this one. Act like an SEO expert having accurate and detailed information. You have been helping people create SEO posts for over 20 years. Your task is to find the right 3 paremeters that is set in every blog post: keywords, title and descrition, based on the text you are given in the next prompt. Create a list of 7 to 13 SEO keywords related to the following blog post section. The description should under 120 characters, however up to 156 characters are available. The available space is shorter than the usual 155 characters because Google will also include the publication date in the snippet. The page title should contains keyword and/or phrases. The description should contain the primary keyword / phrase. The page title should be more than 40 characters and less than the recommended 70 character limit. Ask yourself “How you seo a blog post title?” among other related things. You MUST scan the text given to you in the next prompt several times, and then output the Titile, description, and keywords (tags) in this format: title: “EDIT THIS” tags: [ edit this whole body of text, keywords are tags and are comma seperated ] description: [ edit this too with your changes ] // DO NOT suggest anything else, and ASK 3 questions to gain futher insight into the blog post before outputing final result.

A resolution

I sent the company an email, linking this blog post. I want to know if I qualify. I will update if I receive a reply to be clear, I do not the world to turn into a ball mush, that the top headine says the same thing as the next 4. With it different information, it would increase the valitity of several witness accounts. But we are already living in that world. Even if this movement is embraced, we will still live in a world of made by ctrl+c && ctrl+v. Thank you.


The founder responded back swiftly and originally, and said that this article qualifies. Quote;

The 90% in the Not By AI 90% Rule does not include “non-user facing content” which includes your SEO metadata. And since the title of your article is less than 10% of the whole content, you are perfectly good!

no ai web ring previous next a green-on-black grid with illuminated parts that spell out NO AI / WEBRING and two animated green arrows pointing left and right, bobbing up and downan animated picture on a green-on-black grid that starts with NEO blinks to Hacker then finally blurs to PAGE. It then repeatsa black background with a border of white and red blinking pixels. Inside the picture it reads: deadpilleda picture parodying Netscape Navigator (web browser) which is responsible for modern internet browsing. This picture shows the name catscape Navigator with an iconic 2000's lookA picture that starts off on the right as black but slowly grows to lighter shades of blue to the left, with text that reads: I'm a virus.[Valid RSS] obey the system Web ring ButtonA simple image that says Follow the White Rabbit with a black background and terminal green textA left arrow for the free speech web ring. Clicking this will taking you to the previous site A banner that says: Free Speech Web ring. CLicking this will take you to a page telling you more about it. Right Arrow that if clicked, takes you to next site in the free speech web ringJoin the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign