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Is Human Created Content an Illusion?


This story starts and ends with a thought

This thought was at the right time; right moment, to be typed to others. Imagine that. But while you are imagining that, do you know if your going to write that image in your head down? This is the essence of books, blogs, and whatever the heck I am doing right now. Now imagine as you read this sentence, and were inspired to create something of your own. But I only inspired to the tiniest, fractional amount, because it is also inspiring that you can read and write in a language, have imagination, and are able to type in https://chat.openai.c…. WAIT?!? That’s not imagination you say in a slightly condescending tone. But you used the cursed CTRL + C && CTRL + V. Fascinating. Did you know that the inventor of this algorithm (and honorary, accidental inventor of most corporate blogs) said:

AI is whatever hasn’t been done yet. -Larry Tesler

Larry Tesler, the man behind the idea of copy/paste was also a leader in early AI research. But now, as these two worlds collide once more, you use your imagination to craft a prompt; “Retype this blog post differently, add a summery of key points and a TD;LR.” And so it is inspired by you. But only inspired to the tiniest, fractional amount. Because it is also inspiring that it can “read” and “write” in a “language” have “imagination” and is able is type into its data sources… How much of what you know just appears out of thin air, instead of building blocks, or straight of memorization. If we hack around enough can perhaps make a blog post that actually sounds like a human? Is this whole notion of “written by a real human” just a religious romance? But is term nessisaryly derogatory? Religion and/or spirituality has studied as a possible way to improve well-being.

This is my Idea

The more one believes something, is organic, the more organic enjoyment someone one will get. (If you’re confused, I am talking about organic’s second meaning: of, relating to, or derived from living organisms). I see this theory in action on the WWW today… For instance, Dead Internet Theory. The idea that today’s internet is mostly run by bots and not real humans. I believe these takes are overblown, but the emotions are present. These emotions tie to how inorganic the average Google search results are. Same sites, many of one of 20 puzzle pieces they chose from, they always ask you for you consent to their 60 page terms of service. Even if you have a strong filter bubble around you, both cnn and Fox news use the Google Font API, and often write the same stories. Even when I reverse engineer web-based malware, they often import a bloated library like JQuery. When something is labeled as a conspiracy, for many people, including me, it is simple and easy to call them idiots. But there is a reason the way people think the way they do, and it can’t be bagged with low IQ. Another part of the dead internet theory is it died in the 2016-17 range. This is coquicedently when Google made some major search algorithm changes (page 23) (the scientific article that I cited has so many logical fallacies that it deserves its own article). So Google search changes in response to Security and disinformation in the U.S. 2016 election would be my refuting argument to anyone to arises the original question of the theory. I hope you understand what I am saying though. All throughout history people have desired connection, we micro-evolutionary (survival of the fittest) adopted it. And many times this connection can be something that both have seen and have and interest in:

“Hey, you see that cave painting that OokAooKa did? That’s about the group of mammoths we saw earlier. “Oh yeah, that will be a feast for our clan. Some time later “Hey you listen to that radio talk, that fireside chat he did last evening?” “Oh yeah, it feels great when FDR is talking like he is in your living room, about impotent matters.” Present Day (2024) Hey, you see that article on Donald Trump getting an ear piercing assassination attempt? Oh yeah, Oh what? Which one? They all say the same stuff.

Quick note, news sources with similar viewpoints don’t seem to bring new stuff, Fox and Cnn have different viewpoints though. Also note, that statement is my option, from personal experience, not facts researched for this post.

So as long as we have the illusion

That the Netflix Original Series, made by real people, and watched by real people. It is something I can talk about with another real human. People this way will feel truly happy. But if someone is ticked off that a Disney movie is made with AI, people get angary. So if you like this post, please believe me that I made it. But is people know “the truth“…Whatever that maybe, would that create more net good or bad for this planet? This is what the Matrix I speak of is all about. And I love Post-Modernism.

no ai web ring previous next a green-on-black grid with illuminated parts that spell out NO AI / WEBRING and two animated green arrows pointing left and right, bobbing up and downan animated picture on a green-on-black grid that starts with NEO blinks to Hacker then finally blurs to PAGE. It then repeatsa black background with a border of white and red blinking pixels. Inside the picture it reads: deadpilleda picture parodying Netscape Navigator (web browser) which is responsible for modern internet browsing. This picture shows the name catscape Navigator with an iconic 2000's lookA picture that starts off on the right as black but slowly grows to lighter shades of blue to the left, with text that reads: I'm a virus.[Valid RSS] obey the system Web ring ButtonA simple image that says Follow the White Rabbit with a black background and terminal green textA left arrow for the free speech web ring. Clicking this will taking you to the previous site A banner that says: Free Speech Web ring. CLicking this will take you to a page telling you more about it. Right Arrow that if clicked, takes you to next site in the free speech web ringJoin the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign